Marine and PWC Storage
Currently under construction!! Thank you for your patience!
We offer indoor and outdoor storage at our Coloma, Mi location just off beautiful Paw Paw Lake. Storage season begins September and ends by June 15th.

Personal Watercraft Indoor Boat/Pontoon/Tritoon
Indoor Pwc on the rack .....................$306 Under 24' no trailer.......................$799Indoor PWC on a single place trailer.... $398 Over 24' no trailer...................... $33/ft
Indoor PWC on a double place trailer... $799 Boats on trailers........$33/ft*($799 min)
*add 5' to the length of the boat for the trailer tongue jack
PWC on a single trailer .... $150
PWC on a double trailer ...$300
All boats .......................$300
to make a
winter storage reservation!
Platinum Powersports & Marine facilities is cold storage. All watercraft must be winterized prior to storage. Winterization performed by Platinum Technicians include:
- Stabilize fuel
- Fog engine (except EFI engines)
- Grease fittings on the engine
- Change gear lube in lower unit
- Inspect sacrificial anodes
- Perform safety inspection; check horn, navigation lights, and fire extinguisher
- Check all boat accessories and gauges for proper operation
- Disconnect the battery
Winterization Rates
Basic winterization Outboard 4S over 150HP..............$150
Basic winterization Outboard 4S under 150HP............$100
Basic winterization I/O ...........................................$200
Basic winterization on board water system ..................$50
Basic winterization - PWC........................................$120
Pick up & Drop off
Platinum can pick up or drop off your boat or personal watercraft from your drive way, launch, or pier.
At this time, our trailers are limited to pontons, tritoons under 26' and personal watercraft unless you own your own trailer.
Local lakes include Paw Paw Lake, Little Paw Paw Lake, Rush Lake & Van Auken.
Outside these lakes we charge a $2 a mile fuel surcharge.
Driveway/Launch................ $45
Additional Services
Shrink Wrapping $15 per foot
Canopy removal $135
Spring Start $100
to schedule
spring launch!